Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Project Hamster

What is a Project hamster marketplace?

We are trading unique and non-profit and decentralized platform. Hamster Marketplace gives beginners and local manufacturers a way to sell specialized electronics to a hungry market without a single middleman. Hamster Marketplace will open a niche electronic marketplace to thousands of vendors around the world who are unable to sell through the current platform. This will allow millions of buyers to find a one-of-a-kind product and buy it without the markup of an intermediary. The market will be run by the producers themselves (using the Emercoin open block block voting system). Funds for launching and developing the Hamster Market will be raised through the distribution of general Token HMT during token sales, launched in January 2018.

How market function?

The market function will use Blockchain not only to ensure authenticity of all payments and transactions made at Hamster Market, but to directly link suppliers with customers, using powerful Blockchain features to leverage large data and connections. users without problems Hamster market will charge much lower to use its platform than traditional markets, reduce intermediary fees and payment processors, which are usually expensive and often sluggish in delivery

How Discoveries Achieve Global Success

Global success usually occurs in the following ways:
The product becomes virus. The machine behind the viral promotion was early worshipers - the people with whom he was passionate were strong enough to share it with the social networks and their own talk about it. Exponential virus growth, and soon its product global exposure. Pebble clock has a virus
promotion thanks to the successful crowdfunding campaign Kickstarter Thanks largely to the success of Pebble, its Smart-watches niche is now beginning to mature from the young to the established niche.

What happened to the bad luck?

Kickstarter was the first to point out the extent of discovery in the world. Today they boast more than 131,000 successful projects financed. But for the same rate, they can be regarded as a lewd call that is not lucky. How many of them have become viral, and how many that remain unclear? How many of them have sold more than one batch of products to their sponsor products? How many of them actually find success in the global marketplace? Getting into steady sales in the big online market means reaching
a new level, which turned out to be beyond the capabilities of many novice vendors. Even the entry threshold to the largest current platform for electronic sales is not as affordable as many projects.
Market as Incubator: from DIY to Factory, from Local to Global
Projects that find themselves "between Kickstarter and Amazon" may be very different Size, but they have the same problem: they can not penetrate the ceiling. Some can not make the jump from "start-up garage" to production function. Others can produce well but are unable to force their way into the global market, and remain only local players.

Four Factors of Success: 

Why the Hamster Market Will Take off
Exclusivity to niche products, to expand the reach of new ideas and offers while preventing them from clogging with unoriginal goods.
Specialization, which will attract the target audience as needed and expand the early fan community to the niche electronics project;
The nonprofit structure offers vendors a cheaper deal than another market, because only the minimum margin is set by the market owner;
Occupy a niche market that has a larger market without being too irreversible

Hamster Market Project

To finance the creation and launch of the Hamster Marketplace, the LLP Company's Hamster Marketplace will organize and run crowdfunding campaigns by distributing tokens during token sales in January 2018. The funds raised in token sales will be used to:
launch and develop platforms; attracting innovative electronic vendors and gadgets; attract buyers interested in buying unique items; develop a decentralized platform management with
the aid of "digital trust" instruments, the first and foremost Blockchain. To ensure that the platform will always act in the best interests of the seller, the Hamster Marketplace is a nonprofit and decentralized project, based on the following principles: The business self-management of the business and the way the trading platform by the producer of goods is itself a new model innovation is now possible. Give vendors the opportunity to find their own buyers online, globally and without middlemen. Delivery is provided by using vendor resources or through the service of the platform partner itself. Transparency of management decisions taken by producers, and their sound accounting reliability will be ensured by the use of Emercoin blockchain for voting, decision security and calculation of expenditures;

Hamster Market Project Requirements

The Hamster Market is a crowdfunding campaign that begins in January of December 2017. It will raise funds to launch, populate and promote the Hamster Marketplace trading platform, as well as develop and test the decentralized platform management mechanism. Management will then be enforced by the vendor itself.

1.Funds will be raised during crowdfunding through the limited sale of the Hamster Marketplace - HMTs special token.

2.The token sale will be done in a closed format. Only users who are already listed at will be able to purchase HMT tokens

3. Registration at will be open to users no later than the month prior to commencement of token sales and will be closed one week earlier beginning of sale.

4. The Hamster Crowd Market Market will survive until the maximum possible fund has been raised, but not more than one and a half months;

5.Up to 70% of the total number of tokens will go on sale - 14 million tokens, which puts a maximum fund of $ 28 million.

6.Tokens purchased during the sale will be charged as soon as payment is received
The following cryptocurrencies will be accepted as payment: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Emercoin, Wave and more.

8.Harster Marketplace market stops will be considered a success if the raised funds exceed
$ 2 million.

9.If the funds they own do not exceed $ 2 million, all payments from sales participants will be returned to their wallets.

10. At the end of the campaign, the sold tokens are accepted 70%, then an additional 27.5% is added to the founders and teams and 2.5% on the bounty

Road Map For Hamster Market

Q3, 2017 Attracted advisers and financing for token sales.
Q4, 2017 - Q1, 2018: Attract financing for market development and launch through token HMT sales.
Q1-Q3, 2018 Developing alpha versions of the market, assembling vendors (in addition to being technically built, the platform will be considered ready for public release when no less than 300 manufacturers).
Q4, 2018 Launch of public project beta. Development of decentralized system management platform for vendors. 2019: Achievement of planned indicators of no less than 2,000 vendors and 3.8 million buyers. Decentralized system testing. Prepare to transfer the management of the platform to the vendor.

Executive team

Denis Bulavin:
CEO. Heart, brain and soul Hamster
Market A passionate businessman from the beginning
teens. Run 4 businesses. Create a Playpad company.
Established a factory of electronic devices in Russia.

Yegor Kotkin:
Chief Operating Officer. Responsible for
project development and continuous improvement. ITblogger
and cryptoblogger. Have written about
technology for 10 years. Works in one of the world's most
ICO success - Polybius.

Xenofon Kontouris:
CMO. Responsible for hitting the target at
Hamster Marketplace marketing plan. Marketer,
entrepreneur, CEO of Aeroship.

Valentin Savchenko:
Director of Digital Marketing. Сofounder
from WinWin Solutions, a Digital Marketing agency.
WinWin Solutions serves companies like Polybius,
DomRaider, KickICO, Utrust and others.

Chris Lovell:
Community outreach partner. Network
A 10+ year experience expert on a corporate network
management and loyal fans of blockers. Involved in
blockchain technology since early 2013.

John Pawin:
Project manager. Entrepreneurs with 8+ years
business experience works with many people
digital and brick-and-mortar business.

Johannes Kanter:
Google Marketing Specialist. Have worked
with Start-ups like Click & Grow and Fleep. Also co-founder
from the WINK digital marketing agency.

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